Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What do u do....

Its a weekend morning. You step into the shower to wash your hair. The water streams down on u.
What do you do when you feel like getting dissolved bit by bit in every droplet? What do you do when you feel that the hot shower is the best thing in the world? What do you do when you wanna swim endlessly in the water? What do you do when you start comparing the waterdrops with pearles? What do you do when you know that these soothing but irrelevent thoughts have no meaning.... What do you do when you know that its just the ususal shower that you are finding so heavenly!....then what you do is simple....
You store that stupid content feeling in the corner of ur heart. You feel happy that ur wet hair tickeling your neck bring a twinkle in your eye and you feel grateful to the hot water for starting your day so perfect! :)


Anonymous said...

Ah! Sounds like bliss....
Nice post. :)

Shreyas said...

i generally keep takign a bath till its like absolutely necessary to step out....

Chaitu.. said...
