Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Break!

Well yesterday the school started again. It was a pretty cool spring break though. Went for the DC trip with my kool n 'Jhakaaaas' grp.
It was a well planned trip. Booked a caravan as we were 8 of us. Ketan and Amol had to drive us thru the almost 9 hrs drive. Full time music and dance made that 9 hrs drive really short.
Stayed at Amol's cosins place. Saturday we went to Luray caverns to see the Stalactites and Stalagmites. The place is really beautiful. The skyline drive was pretty too. Saturday night we went for clubbing.
Sunday was hectic as we did 'DC Darshan'. The museums r amazing and so are the monumnets. White house was OK. Came back home really late and thn hogged down sm Thai food.
Then it was the time to return back! Started very early in the morning with Amol(!) at the wheel.

It was one of the most memorable trips I hv ever had. And mostly the last trip as the whole grp together. As most of us are on the verge of graduation, we dont know whn we would get together like this. Will miss my second family for sure.....


Anonymous said...

such a short post...but i guess even the longest post cant do justice to the amount of fun we had!!

Sharvari said...

yea totally agree...Hoping for atleast 1 more in future!

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