Friday, May 19, 2006

Another day in paradise....

feels great to be back home. This vacation is totally different from the previous one. In Jan when I had come back home, there was so much attension and too many different things goin around. It was really hectic and I barely got any time to cool my heels.
This time its different. I feel as if I am back to my normal life. Simply chilling out nowadays. Started my reading again. I hv barely read anything in last 2 yrs. I cant bliv that! I was a voracious reader once upon a time. And for last 2 yrs, my extra curricular reading was only the news paper! Reading Ayn Rand now.
I think I am gonna cherish this 1 month like anything. Looks like everything is falling into place. Getting my stuff done on time. getting back into my regular habits that I had 2 yrs ago. getting more desciplined. Being myself again! feels great.
I have promised myself to do few things. I just hope that I keep those promises as I hv kept others.

1 comment:

Shreyas said...

hmm so wats the set agenda for the trip... u can look at it 2 ways.. whirlwind party time or chilling out time... decide how u wish the month to pass off.. cos time as thy say never turns back...