Monday, January 29, 2007


Excerpt from my personal diary....dated sometime in early July'06...

"...I hate 53 Springville. Living alone is not very bad but 'living alone' when you still have people around you is horrible. Your 'own' people. That sucks...
I don't think I would tag it as anybody's fault. I never thought a month long absence of a person changes things so much. So, I better learn that than wishing that times would be back to normal...
I think, hoping that people will be there in your hard times, itself is wrong... But then should I be there for them during their hard ones? Should I be caring towards them like before? Would I be able to flush away this venomous feeling? I guess, yes.. I hope to pass this as a phase. A phase when I needed people, but they were not there. May be they never understood that I need them. I guess, the batsman always gets a benefit of doubt!
Told Kanchan the following over the phone,
" People change coz situations change , and they stop caring for you, coz they no longer need you."
I still might be wrong........"

And I am happy that I was wrong...A good discussion always always!

A completely impulsive, but highly edited post. Somehow these memories clouded my head right now and I felt an urge to make my thoughts public, knowing that not many read my blog ;)


Chaitu.. said...

Things as this happen quite many times..
I'd say its best not to expect anybody to be there for you in your bad times.. or rather never expect anything from anyone.. It hurts really really bad if it doesn't satisfy them.. When we haven't expected and we get something, it is of course welcome and better valued by us.. Also, if we don't expect anything, we aren't hurt either..

About being venomous and all.. well, from what I know you, you treating the people you are reffering to that way is going to hurt YOU more than anyone else.. You are going to curse yourself and hurt your own self A L O T after you talk/act the way... Why take those pains?
Think about it..

Loads of Love,

Sharvari said...

Couldnt be that way.. an old story..and nothing changed from my side. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't say anything in return except 'Hmmmmmm'.

Shreyas said...

well at least 3 people read it before me... so u got a readership.. and i guess as thy say.. life moves on... things situations equations , all change... and then i walk along i walk alone on this boulevard of broken dreams... samjha?????